Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A Fishing Experience... or two!

The first sign of motion this morning came from Caleb whispering in my ear at 8.30, “Can I go fishing?” About an hour or so later we bumped into Matt and Beccy (whom we had met at Ningaloo), as they were heading off to the Lincoln National Park for a couple of days. As we were saying our farewells, Caleb came rushing back with a freshly-caught squid for them to take and cook for the day! That is one ugly-looking fish! It was 11.30 before Caleb ventured back to the van once again, by which time he had caught a number of squid and sent them on their way.

We managed to pry Caleb away from the pier for a little while - long enough for him to purchase a crab net, which offered plenty of entertainment for him during the afternoon (the squid seemed to have taken their leave, unlike the sea lion which entertained us at the end of the pier with its antics.) After spending the afternoon catching up with journals, I headed down to the jetty where Caleb had been for most of the day, save a single break for lunch and a trip to the shops. I took him a drink, handed it to him and then picked up a rod and began to fish for squid. I had been fishing only a couple of minutes when I heard the rattle of plastic – I looked around just in time to see the blue glass blow into the water. I called to Caleb to bring the crab net, hoping to use it to snare said cup before it drifted too far. By the time he responded it was too late – it was out of reach. Nonetheless Caleb threw the net in once, twice, and on a third time threw it all in – line and all! The look on his face was priceless…… as he realised what he had done. Never mind that it only cost $6. He realised what he had lost – and had been having a lot of fun with. Fortunately his fishing mate managed to snare it with his squid jig and pull it back in. End of adventure. The look on his face will be remembered for some time! Posted by Picasa


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