Wednesday, December 09, 2009


It's great to start the new day with some sleep behind us. By the time we got to bed last night it had been over 40 hours since we had left our beds on Monday, fed only by short episodes of the fitful sleep which air travel offers.
We landed at our hotel in Helsinki just before 8am. With barely a handful of hours of sleep behind us, we were looking for somewhere to rest, only to be told we could not access our room until 2 pm. We left in search of food, finding a small cafe.
After a leisurely breakfast we began wandering, in search of our bearings as much as anything. The air was cold and crisp - around 1 degree, but there has been no snow. The ears and nose felt it most. One shop owner told us that it was unseasonably warm - a word I would not have used!

After a few hours of exploration, we headed back to the hotel. One room was available, which we gratefully accepted, enjoying refreshing showers and clean clothes.
A leisurely stroll after dinner was enough for the day (sun sets at 3.15). Everyone was asleep before 7 pm.


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