Friday, July 21, 2006

Have you ever watched the night rise?

One of the great discoveries of our tour has been to watch the night sky rise in the east as the sun is setting in the west. While the golden glows illuminate the western sky, there is a deep pink which first shades the eastern horizon, then as the sun drops below the western horizon, one notices that the pink gives way to a deep blue, which gradually grows into the night. It is soothing and colourful. Of course, the evening sky is filled with stars - many more than we see in West Melbourne (which usually amounts to no more than a handful in number). At Mataranka I took the opportunity to use the binoculars, and the number of visible stars multiplied! It was breathtaking to have such a panoply opened just through the simple use of binoculars! While I can't take photos of the stars, at least I can show the rising night sky (he says hopefully - sunset on the left, nightrise on the right~!)


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