Friday, June 16, 2006

The excitement builds

Last day of school today, and Samuel was surprised by his classmates with a wonderful farewell. Being the last day of term it was casual clothes. Sam was late because the car was getting towbar attached (minor issue, I know, but we felt it better and more practical than the kids holding on to the van out the back window!) When we arrived there was real excitement in the classroom, and Sam was taken for a small walk while the last preparations were completed. Sam has been telling everyone at school that he is "going on long service leave", which the staff have found to be quite a hoot! His classmates gave him some wonderful cards filled with beautiful messages. His integration aide, Lisa, made some cakes for everyone in the classroom, and a great time was had by all. Paula, his teacher, set up Sam's long service leave party!

Meanwhile, the first caravan park booking has been made. Ev came back into the room still suffering culture shock. "Caravan park people are soooo friendly." Living in the inner city, we are more used to people barely giving you the time of day. Nonetheless, Ev chose a beautiful site right on the beach, despite warnings that it is the middle of June, and that there may well be offshore winds. Nothing like acclimatising ourselves early. I suppose it will be good preparation for those desert evenings in the early stages of the trip, where temperatures hover around zero in the night...

Only two more sleeps before we decamp from home and work environments and head down the coast for last preparations. Caleb's comment today takes the cake, knowing that this will be the last school day until October: "The ultimate long weekend!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Can't belive how friendly the caravan park people are"??? Oh, boy are you in for a treat!
My family are chronic caravanners - for most of my holidays as a kid, it was five in a tin-pot, and for those who haven't experienced it, the caravan park culture is incredible.

Ev, you can look forward to eating dinner with people outdoors everynight, saying hello to everyone that passes you (if you don't it's rude and snobby), and getting to know everyone on a first-name basis in 24 hours. You will also be invited in to look at other people's temporary homes (caravan-comparisons are big in this culture, and so are the "I'm thinking of upgrading to..." musings)and board games are all the rage.

As a kid, I knew that the best caravan parks had trampolines, and the luxury ones have a pool. The coolest kids ride their bikes all day, and the ones whose family brought a tv with them are on the dangrous seesaw of best-friend who I can watch it with/complete wuss who doesn't get what camping is all about anyway.

It's a whole new culture, good luck!
:) Jude

9:39 am  

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