Monday, June 26, 2006

The off-road experience

Lazy morning (everyone slow to surface – wonder why?!). Headed off north to Blinman at 11 am. Dirt roads all the way, though recently graded, and speeds reasonable. First stop the Cazenaux Tree, subject of a famous photograph. Tried to emulate. Look forward to display in Louvre in due course. Carcass of emu lying nearby – clearly died waiting for royalty cheques.

From there to Blinman, where Ev bought a lantern for her citronella. The three flies and one bug we have seen in the near-zero temperatures have her rattled. Still, I’m sure that the three litres of citronella will keep them away. It has that effect on me! Blinman has preserved many aspects of life that we knew from years gone by – old red telephone booth still equipped with ancient phone (including A and B buttons). The town managed to support two service stations – BP and Caltex, although the latter was the only one to have a bowser!

Took the ‘scenic route’ from Blinman to Parachilna. Made the choice because it was 7 kilometres shorter than other road. Mental note: ‘scenic route’ means speeds no more than 20 km/h and road approved for use as GMH testing ground. Consequently arrived in Parachilna half an hour after the Leigh Creek coal train had gone through. (This coal train is over 2.8 km in length). They serve all sorts of native food at the Para pub: emu burgers, kangaroo steaks. Any sort of road kill will make its way onto the plate. Settled for two bowls of hot chips - locals looking at us strangely.

As we returned via the Brachina Gorge and Bunyeroo Gorge roads, where we were fortunate to stumble upon two wedge-tailed eagles dining on something that didn’t make it onto the plates at the Para Pub! Brachina Gorge reveals the different rock strata which make up the Flinders Ranges. Bunyeroo Gorge was too far to walk, but the drive through was littered with beautiful scenery. Moment for pause at the bottom of the gorge when confronted with road covered in water. Didn’t fancy turning around, and confidence wasn’t lifted when we saw a small vehicle at the other end do a U-turn and head back. Walked through to find some solid ground, then motored slowly through. We made it!

Love the creative artistry on this road sign! AND the temperature dropped to -3C that night!!!


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