Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The time has come

The van is packed. We have managed to WinZip our lives into a sardine can on wheels, which will feed, sleep and keep us through 15000 km and three and a bit months. Early tomorrow morning we will turn the car out of the driveway and head towards the South Australian border. Ev has been suggesting that she will write some new words to the old Beach Boys classic 'Kokomo' as a reminder of why we should have gone to Italy. The good news tonight is the political pressure being brought to bear on the oil companies over fuel pricing. If it drives down the petrol prices for the next three months, we'll be grateful! Meanwhile Ev is putting last minute clean-up touches in the kitchen: windexing the toaster and the kettle. (Ev thinks there are two sorts of people in this world - those who windex their kettles and toasters and those who don't) Nothing like a last-minute spit and polish to clear the cobwebs and set us up for the journey!

Caleb has been spending the afternoon sorting out music - deciding which songs he will burn to CDs to listen to in the car. Having grown up with this sort of technology he doesn't appreciate that we needed to play "Spotto" when travelling, as cars didn't even have radios when my family travelled to Adelaide in the 60s!

Sam says that he is so missing the cat. I am looking forward to going to Adelaide, and going in the pool. There are so many things I am looking forward to - sleeping in the van, staying up late and eating popcorn and chocolate. After the 14 weeks we might be able to do another trip around Italy and get another term off! That's all.

And now Rachel:
I am so excited that I can't eat, and probably won't be able to sleep (but who cares about that part!) I had fun packing all the food in the van with Mum. Today Cale and I loaded up songs on my mp3 player, so I will have plenty to listen to in the car. More from Adelaide....

Ev: Rachel has been worth her weight in gold setting up the van - a great discovery to learn was that she is not spacially challenged like me and was far more capable of rearranging things to fit in amazing spaces. She certainly doesn't get that from me. Anything past the stacking tins on top of each other ie Dickins (where I worked part-time as a 15-yo) is beyond me. So I sat and watched with amazement. Caleb helped Gary with the physical stuff and Sam just got under everyone's feet trying to be helpful. We are very grateful that over long distances they read or listen to music - makes the whole thing rather pleasant - you sort of forget they are there!!!!! They were very excited to have had a long spa each - the last for a very long time - and off to bed in their clothes for tomorrow! Great adventure! We will keep writing - what else does one do with all that spare time - even if we have to send a heap at once when we are in a position to log on again. There is a fine line between being relaxed and being bored witless.

Gary: The kids have all clamoured off to bed (somewhat reluctantly). We have tried everything legal to calm them down... but they are bouncing off the walls. Hopefully that means they will sleep in the car (fat chance!) So... here we are.... and there we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy travels everyone! We'll watch your progress with great interest from the frosty outskirts of Melbourne! Many blessings to you all...

8:23 am  

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